Monday, 6 June 2011


Nokia 5800 and N97 file browser - Y-Browser Nokia 5800 and N97 file browser - Y-Browser

Nokia 5800 and N97 file browser - Y-Browser Nokia 5800 and N97 file browser - Y-Browser

Y-Browser is a free filemanager application designed for  Symbian smartphones.

Change log of the improvements made within the latest update:

* Lots of layout changes Settings Menu Revamped
* Some bug fixes to improve stability
* File modified time changed from UTC to local time
* Added Command short cut accelerators to the menu items
* Edit-Mark, menu has now two additional options: Mark with wild card & inverse selection

* File association settings added
* Plug-in manager added
* Email folders shown now as well (with Mail folders plug-in)

Plug-in add:

Y-Browser BtObex sender plug-in, version 088(English)
Y-Browser Mail folders plug-in, version 088(English)
Y-Browser Text Viewer plug-in, version 088(English)
Y-Browser Zip plug-in, version 088(English)


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